Thursday, October 18, 2012

make -r world: build failed. Please re-run make with V=s [solution]

when i tried to compile openWRT for the first time i had the following errors

make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/oghazal/Desktop/openWRT/trunk/tools/missing-macros'
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/oghazal/Desktop/openWRT/trunk/tools/cmake'
mkdir -p /home/oghazal/Desktop/openWRT/trunk/dl
/home/oghazal/Desktop/openWRT/trunk/scripts/ "/home/oghazal/Desktop/openWRT/trunk/dl" "cmake-2.8.9.tar.gz" "801f4c87f8b604f727df5bf1f05a59e7" ""
--2012-10-15 16:54:18--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 26570240 (25M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: `STDOUT'

100%[=======================================>] 26,570,240  10.2M/s   in 2.5s   

2012-10-15 16:54:21 (10.2 MB/s) - written to stdout [26570240/26570240]

MD5 sum of the downloaded file does not match (file: 685d9d1fb6538b5ec03d67f54137685e, requested: 801f4c87f8b604f727df5bf1f05a59e7) - deleting download.
--2012-10-15 16:54:21--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2012-10-15 16:54:21 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Download failed.
--2012-10-15 16:54:21--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2012-10-15 16:54:22 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Download failed.
No more mirrors to try - giving up.

make[3]: *** [/home/oghazal/Desktop/openWRT/trunk/dl/cmake-2.8.9.tar.gz] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/oghazal/Desktop/openWRT/trunk/tools/cmake'
make[2]: *** [tools/cmake/compile] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/oghazal/Desktop/openWRT/trunk'
make[1]: *** [/home/oghazal/Desktop/openWRT/trunk/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/oghazal/Desktop/openWRT/trunk'
make: *** [world] Error 2
so it seems that cmake is not getting downloaded correctly using wget, so to solve this problem we need to download the cmake package manually (using firefox not wget) and then to place it in `trunk/dl` directory and then run `make` again.

openWRT: please fix package/helloworld/Makefile - see logs/package/helloworld/dump.txt for details [solution]

When I tried to compile a `hello world' package for openWRT i had the following

ERROR: please fix package/helloworld/Makefile - see logs/package/helloworld/dump.txt for details

and inside dump.txt

Makefile:90: *** DESCRIPTION:= is obsolete, use Package/PKG_NAME/description.  Stop.

it seems that using description in the makefile is an old way so i just commented the description out and then compilation went with no errors.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Makefile:4: *** missing separator. Stop. [solution]

When i tried to compile a program using a Makefile, i had the following error  
Makefile:4: *** missing separator.  Stop.
  after googling the error i found that `make` does not accept whitespaces and unlike DOS, it is expecting a tab in the beginning of each line.

so to solution is to replace the whitespaces ( in this case in the 4th line) with a tab.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

After Update Firefox is not working; /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/xulrunner/ undefined symbol: PR_SetCurrentThreadName [solution]

When i tried to run firefox after update on my fedora 17 machine,  when i was trying to run it nothing has appeared. also i tried to run it on terminal to find out what error is happening i got

/usr/lib64/firefox/firefox: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/xulrunner/ undefined symbol: PR_SetCurrentThreadName

a quick search over the internet brought to me an easy solution since this problem seems to be popular, the solution was to update a package called nspr

#yum update nspr

reference :

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How-to: Open Microsoft Word's DOCX Files(2007 & 2010) Using Microsoft Word 2003

Since 2007 Microsoft word has used a modern file compression system, the new system had different file format (DOCX) rather than the old file format (DOC), people with old version of MS office like 2003 they simple can not open or edit the DOCX files, because it is new compression system is not included in MS office 2003.

Microsoft had released a compatibility pack officially called Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack to overcome this problem;

By installing the Compatibility Pack in addition to Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP, or Office 2003, you will be able to open, edit, and save files using the file formats in newer versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint . The Compatibility Pack can also be used in conjunction with the Microsoft Office Word Viewer 2003, Excel Viewer 2003, and PowerPoint Viewer 2003 to view files saved in these new formats.

The compatibility pack can be installed from Microsoft Download Center

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How-To Convert Audio/Video in Linux

Sometime we need to convert audio/video from type to another for many reasons such as reduce the size  of an email attachment, compatibility hell or others.Linux users are lucky enough to have a nice tool called ffmpeg.

ffmpeg is a very fast video and audio converter that can also grab from a live audio/video source. It can also convert between arbitrary sample rates and re-size video on the fly with a high quality polyphase filter.

Installation is easy and straight forward since ffmpeg tool is exist in most primary distributions we can use the package manager to install it. since i am running a fedora system i am going to us YUM.

$ sudo yum install ffmpeg

The usage of ffmpeg is easy too, i will show few examples.

Example below is the simplest way, which is to pass the input file name and the output file name only.

$ ffmpeg -i mysong.wav mysong.mp3    # this will convert audio.wav to audio.mp3.

$ ffmpeg -i video.avi video.mp4    # same as the previous example.

Notice that we are providing the output file's extension too. There are many options for this tool, the most common are below.


-i  input file name
-b  bitrate
-f  format ( mp3,ogg,wav,avi,mp4...etc)
-fs file size, this option will trim your video when the size limit is reached
-y  overwrite output files
-sameq covert but keep original quality

Video only

-r frame rate (fps)
-s set frame size (128x96,800x600,1920x1080...etc)

a little more advanced method were we put more options is use.

$ ffmpeg -i song.mp3 -y -b 44.1k -f ogg -fs 10M song

$ ffmpeg -i video.webm -y -b 44.1k -f avi -fs 100M -s 1920x1080 -r 60 video

see the manual for all options

$ man ffmepg

Saturday, May 19, 2012

General Purpose Voice Command Device


General purpose voice command device controlled by means of the human voice, with ability to interact and responds back a neural speech belongs to the asked command or by performing a related certain hardware action like switching or stepping a motor.

System Overview

The device totally removes the usage of buttons or switches, and instead its responds to human-independently vocal commands.


Approach Type Quick-And-Dirty
Programming Languages POSIX and ANSI C
Processors I686 Compatible CPU and Microchip PIC18F4550
Software Components/Libraries Linux Kernel, Bash Shell, Gstreamer, Espeak,Microchip USB Framework and other open-source libraries
Compiler/Linker GNU C Compiler
Microchip C18

How to delete saved wireless network in gnome 3


Linux system with GNOME 3

you had to connected a wireless network and it is automatically saved and every time the saved network is available, Network manager is trying to connect it.


open your favorite terminal emulator


$ nm-connection-editor

click on wireless tab, and then select the unwanted network and delete it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Syntax highlighting in nano text editor


Linux system with nano text editor

open your favorite terminal emulator 

go to your home directory

$ cd ~

create a file named ".nanorc"

$ nano .nanorc

add the following lines

include "/usr/share/nano/c.nanorc"
include "/usr/share/nano/java.nanorc"
include "/usr/share/nano/sh.nanorc"
include "/usr/share/nano/perl.nanorc"



have a nice coding!

Monday, May 7, 2012

How to ptrhead on Linux using codeblocks IDE

If your linker is complaining when you are pthread-ing on your Linux, then you are probably looking for the solution below

Method 1

From "Setting" menu choose "Compiler and debugger.." click on "linker Settings" tab, under "Other linker option" write 'pthread', click OK and compile.

Method 2


If the first method didn't work for you,repeat the same steps and remove what did you write under "Other linker option". now under "link libraries" scroll down and click "add" then add the path to libpthread. to know its location. execute in terminal

$ locate libpthread

then click OK.

the linker is happy now, so compile your code.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Installing MPLAB X IDE on Linux

MPLABX Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a free, integrated toolset for the development of embedded applications on Microchip's PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers.

MPLAB X is not a new version of the current MPLAB IDE v8 framework but is instead based on Oracle's open-source NetBeans platform. In addition to its predecessor's functionalities and compatibility with Microchip's existing development tools, the new IDE utilises many NetBeans features allowing for user-interface improvements and performance upgrades[1]


System: Fedora Core 16 - x64


download IDE and your favorite compiler

OR using wget
wget # mplab X IDE
wget # C18 Compiler

Since IDE written in Java we need java run time if you already them installed go to next step if you dont, following the link below


$ chmod 755
$ chmod 755

$ ./
$ ./

$ reboot


now we should configure the IDE before we start compiling codes

Run mplabx

$ mplab_ide

from "run" menu --> Set Project Configuration --> customize...

In left-most click on mcc18 then in right-most scroll down and double-click on "Include directories", a new dialog will be opened,double-click on it and change the default path for header file directories to "/opt/microchip/mplabc18/v3.40/h".

Compiler Configuration

Click ok.

In left-most click on MPLINK then in right-most scroll down and double-click on 'Library directories',a new dialog will be opened, double-click on it and change the default path for header file directories to "/opt/microchip/mplabc18/v3.40/lib/".

Linker Configuration

Click ok.

Apply then ok.

Case-Sensitive Problem

i have notice a small problem when i tried to compile an old project. the error was "Error - could not find file 'LibName.lib'.

this problem happen because lib names are written as high-letter on hard disk whereas MPLINK looking for low-letter names. eg ( on disk p18F4550.lib and MPLINK looking for p18f4550.lib).

to solve this problem we will make all of them low-letter

$ su -  # be root
# cd /opt/microchip/mplabc18/v3.40/lib
# for f in `find`; do mv -v $f `echo $f | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`; done

Known Bug in Oracle Java JDK 1.6.x

Bug Description

incorrect mouse pointer position on java menus when running the application
maximized under gnome-shell.

1. If I single-click a menu in the menu bar, the menu will flash
briefly and disappears (instead of staying opened).
2. If I click and hold on a menu in the menu bar, the menu stays
opened, but the selection is vertically displaced (I have to move the
mouse to the third menu item to select the first one, for example).
3. If I right-click to access a context-menu, the selection is
displaced as described in the previous case).

The problem is that when the window is maximized java was not updating the
 window position properly. If the window was at pixel (100,100) then it was
 maximized, AWT thinks that it is still at pixel (100,100) instead of close to
(0,0). This causes it to miscalculate mouse pointer positions relative to the
window. [2]

Solution for this bug

remove old packages
# yum remove java-1.6.0-openjdk- java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel-

*this could be vary from system to another, to know yours
$ rpm -qa|grep java

install new packages
# yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
# yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel

Set default Java version to mplabx_ide
# cp  /opt/microchip/mplabx/mplab_ide/etc/mplab_ide.conf  /opt/microchip/mplabx/mplab_ide/etc/mplab_ide.conf.bk
# gedit /opt/microchip/mplabx/mplab_ide/etc/mplab_ide.conf

search for jdkhome="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-" and replace it with jdkhome="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-"

*this could be vary from system to another, to know yours
$ ls /usr/lib/jvm/



Friday, April 27, 2012

Installing usburn on linux for brenner8

usburn is a Linux program, that analyses a HEX-file and transfers the
contained data via USB to the PIC-programmer Brenner8 or Brenner9. 

Prepare a place for installation
$ mkdir usburn && cd usburn  

download the usburn for Linux using firefox

or using wget
$ wget

then extract it
$ tar xvf usburn_0_4.tar 

modify "makefile" with your favorite text editor
$ gedit makefile 

change the line "-L/usr/local/lib" to '' location. I've found it under /lib/ directory so i will change the line to "-L/lib/". to find the location of yours, simple execute

$ locate

save and close.

$ make
$ sudo mkdir /usr/bin/usburn.dir
$ sudo  cp -r usburn *.dat b8_firmware/ b9_firmware/ bootloader_0_2550/  /usr/bin/usburn.dir
$sudo gedit /usr/bin/usburn

cd /usr/bin/usburn.dir

save and close

$chmod +x /usr/bin/usburn

Usburn uses libusb instead of kernel modules to access the programmer,
consequently root privileges are required. To give access to normal users one
has to create a file "/etc/udev/rules.d/99-sprutbrenner" and to write into this

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="ff0b", SYSFS{idVendor}=="04d8",
GROUP = "plugdev" [1]

$ cd /etc/udev/rules.d/
$ sudo echo "SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="ff0b", SYSFS{idVendor}=="04d8", GROUP = "plugdev" " >> 99-sprutbrenner

now programmer need to be calibrated, the manual below shows the steps

the manual of usburn exist on

*NOTE* usburn does not support x64 in the meantime due to database incompatibility. check this out

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fedora :: error: db4 error(-30974) from dbenv->failchk: DB_RUNRECOVERY

While I'm trying to install a program using yum, yum was locked by another process then i had to freed it by sending it SIGKILL, and after that i passed my program to yum to install it then ... OPS !! yum is displaying a fatal error 

"error: db4 error(-30974) from dbenv->failchk: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
error: cannot open Packages index using db4 - (-30974)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
Error: rpmdb open failed"

tried too many solution like cleaning up the yum's DB and it didnt solve it and in the end i fixed the problem by cleaning the RPM's DB and rebuild it again.

$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/__db*
$ sudo rpm --rebuilddb
$ reboot # i had to reboot to solve it as well.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

/boot/syslinux/ldlinux.sys: no match for target

If you are getting the error

"/boot/syslinux/ldlinux.sys: no match for target
syslinux: warning: unable to move ldlinux.sys"

then you are probably trying to install the syslinux boot loader to solve it make sure

1) your drive ( partition)  which you are trying to install syslinux on is either FAT16 or FAT32 otherwise syslinux will fail to start.

2) you have already created the file in your storage. using

$ mkdir -p /boot/syslinux/

then normally execute the syslinux installation command

$ syslinux -f -d /boot/syslinux /dev/sdb1

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Installing Skype on Fedora 16 x64 machine using Autoplus (Error: Protected multilib versions)


you are getting "Error: Protected multilib versions" when trying to install Skype using Autoplus on x64 system.


"Error: Protected multilib versions: glibc-2.14.90-24.fc16.6.i686 != glibc-2.14.90-14.x86_64"

This error seems to be occurred because skype is x32 bit executable but the system is x64, the "file" output says

/usr/bin/skype: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, stripped

To solve this problem you have to install the glibc but the x32 bit, to do that, simple execute

$ sudo yum install  glibc-2.14.90-24.fc16.6.i686

If you have more "Protected multilib versions" just install thier x32 version then run autoplus and install Skype.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Flowchart and diagram drawing program for Linux


Gnome 3 desktop environment is installed.


If you are looking to draw a flowchart or diagram for your documentation on Linux you may find “dia” project very interesting, the diagram drawing program (dia) is part of gnome project.

The man description says:

"Dia is used to create diagrams. Dia has a number of basic tools, like lines and boxes but can also dynamically load sheets. A sheet is a collection of tools that are used in a certain type of diagram.
Most diagram objects in Dia has handles. Lines can be connected to these handles and this way graph structures can be formed. When objects are moved or resized the connections will follow the objects.
Diagrams drawn in Dia can be exported PostScript."

After using it for hours i believed that is is good tool and it fits my need for drawing flowcharts of my software.


$ mkdir /tmp/dia
$ cd /tmp/dia/
$ wget # size is 4.2 MB
$ tar xfv dia-0.96.1.tar.bz2
$ cd dia-0.96.1/
$ ./
$ make
$ sudo make install

now the program is installed and you can run it from terminal by writing $ dia or by clicking ALT+F2 then write “dia" and hit enter.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to customize fedora 16 and make it functional



Installed distro is Fedora 16 with Gnome 3 desktop environment.

Adding close and minimize buttons to windows

$ yum install gconf-editor

run it after installation by clicking on ALT+F2 then write “gconf-editor ” and hit enter.

in the Configuration Editor navigate to desktop --> gnome --> shell --> windows
Find “button_layout” and click on it and change it to ":minimize,maximize,close" .
logoff and logon again OR ALT+F2 then write “r ” and hit enter.

Show desktop icons and right clicks

 $ yum install dconf-editor 

Go to org --> gnome --> desktop --> background and check the box to show desktop icons. 

While this brings back desktop icons, and enables right clicking on the desktop, it makes the computer, home, trash icons visible. These are usually hidden with Ubuntu. To make them hidden again, but still allowing icons on the desktop, go to nautilus --> desktop, and uncheck the boxes for the icons you want hidden. 

Taskbar & dock

$ yum install docky # if you like dock-like taskbar
$ yum install tint2 # if you like classical taskbar
$ yum install gnome-panel # if you like the gnome original panel

to run and test them, ALT+F2 then write the name of program you want to run.

Personally i would recommend the gnome-panel for stability reasons, to add it to every system start up, ALT+F2 then write “gnome-session-properties” and hit enter, put name, lets say “gnome panel”, command “gnome-panel --replace”, and comment “ start up gnome-panel” then click add.

Hide all windows

usually, fedora user was hiding all menu by clicking ALT+CTRL+D, i like windows way to hide them (because it is uses less keys) which is WinKey (Or Super)+D.

To make it functional, hit WinKey and write "keyboard" --> "shortcuts" -->navigation --> "hide all normal windows " then set the shortcut you like.

Customizing the icons, fonts & theme

$ yum install gnome-tweak-tool

Then run it by hitting ALT+F2 then write “gnome-tweak-tool ” and having happy customization!
I like default xfce icons which is rodent icon set . I didn't find away to install it independently so i went to install the xfce desktop environment.

$ yum install xfce4-icon-theme

ALT+F2 then write “r ” and hit enter, after making any changes.


the fonts "Tahoma" and "Calibri" are pretty enough with many languages support , they can be installed from windows directory. 

Gnome shell extensions

to install most of gnome extensions 

$ yum install gnome-shell-extension* 

the gnome-tweak-tool can be used for extensions customization.


$ yum install codeblocks # for codeblocks
$ yum install codeblocks-contrib #for most plugins 

System monitoring gadget

"gkrellm" is nice and does the job 

$ yum install gkrellm 

To download transparent theme

To install the theme
Untar it on /home/<user_name>/.gkrellm2/themes

Friday, April 20, 2012

Writing Windows Services in C


This is a quick guide for writing windows services in C; which includes introduction, an example, short manual for service control manager (SCM), and references for more information.


1- You have a good C programming background.
2- You are planning to write your own windows service. I guess it is good to start
from here.


A service is a console application that runs in the background and performs tasks that don't require user interaction. The Windows NT/2000/XP operating systems offer special support for service programs. For windows Vista and 7 please read the notes below.

In order to create a windows service, we need three additional functions

1) Service Main: commonly called “ServiceMain” and the standard prototype for it is

void WINAPI ServiceMain(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv);

It sends information to Service Control Manager (SCM) - which will take care of the status of the service - and it will register the service in the SCM.In the end of this function we will have a loop which will have our service.

2) Service CTRL Handler: this function will handle the standard requests from SCM and will response for its requests. The prototype of this function is:

void WINAPI ServiceCtrlHandler(DWORD opcode);

3) Service Initialization function: this function will initialize the Service topically global variables, cleaning up stuff if needed, and preparation for the service. Note that this function should return a value to tell the SCM that Service successfully initialized.The prototype is:

DWORD ServiceInitialization(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv, DWORD *specificError);


Before showing an example I would like you to consider the following notes:

1- Service name should not contain spaces and it should not be long. In the given example below it was named “MyService”.

2- WINAPI is same as __stdcall and it is not really needed on some compiler.  Also DWORD is equivalent for unsigned long.

3- The outputs of the service on x64 systems will be under “c:\Windows\SysWOW64”, and on x32 systems under “C:\Windows\System32”.

4- If the service requires an interactive process (like sending messages or loading forms) then go and read more about this in the references below. On some versions of windows in control panel --> system and security --> administrative tools --> services, then right click on the service and click on properties, then in the “Log On” tap check “Allow this service to interact with desktop” this may solve the problem.

5- Sometime service seems to be running nicely but it is not behaving as it should, well in this case we should consider the permissions give to this service, specially if we are reading/writing, a great tool called “Procmon” available on Microsoft website allow us to monitor the process so we can debug it, after installing run it and select PID filter to display your service behaviors only.

6- Each service executes in the security context of a user account, and it can be “LocalService”, “NetworkService”, or LocalSystem, every account has different privileges. These accounts do not have passwords.

7- A command-line utility, sc.exe also can be used to control services.  Its commands correspond to the functions provided by the SCM. It Service (like example below) does not have “ServiceInstall” function then we would use this tool to install it.

8- Windows Vista/7 has a security feature called “Session 0 Isolation” which means service runs on Session 0 and regular user runs on session 1, and they can’t send each other messages, so it could be a problem for some services, as solution CreateProcessAsUser function may does the job.

9- The example compiled and tested under windows 7 ultimate x64 with minGW- GCC version 4.6.1.

10- If compiler did not detect the ” _WIN32_WINNT”  declaration automatically then for windows 7 it is (0x0601), Vista (0x0600), and XP (0x0501).

11- Text editors can read and write files using at least the different ASCII CR/LF conventions. The text editor Notepad is not one of them so it would be better to use Wordpad if  “myRamInfo.txt” does not seem to have proper format.



In this example, the function WriteMemInfo() will write information about available physical memory(RAM) on the system. The file myRamInfo.txt will be updated every 5 seconds.

//#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 // for XP
//#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0601 // for 7
//#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 // for Vista

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>


DWORD ServiceInitialization(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv, DWORD *specificError);

void WINAPI ServiceMain(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv);
void WINAPI ServiceCtrlHandler(DWORD opcode);
void WriteMemInfo(void);

int main(){

SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY DispatchTable[] = {{"MyService", ServiceMain}, {NULL, NULL}};

if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(DispatchTable))
//WriteMemInfo("StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() failed, error: %d.\n", GetLastError());
printf("StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() failed, error: %ld.\n", GetLastError());
printf("StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() looks OK.\n");

return 0;

// Stub initialization function...
DWORD ServiceInitialization(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv, DWORD *specificError){
// These statments have no effect!

return 0;

void WINAPI ServiceMain(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv){

DWORD status;
DWORD specificError;

// Type of service, application or driver...
ServiceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32;

// The service is starting...
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING;

// The service can be stopped & can be paused and continued.
ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0;
ServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;

ServiceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler("MyService", ServiceCtrlHandler);

if (ServiceStatusHandle == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)0){

printf("RegisterServiceCtrlHandler() failed, error: %ld.\n", GetLastError());
printf("RegisterServiceCtrlHandler() looks OK.\n");

// Initialization code goes here...return the status...
status = ServiceInitialization(argc, argv, &specificError);

// Handle error condition
if (status != NO_ERROR){

// The service is not running...
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED;
ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = status;
ServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = specificError;
SetServiceStatus(ServiceStatusHandle, &ServiceStatus);

// Initialization complete - report running status.
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING;
ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;

if (!SetServiceStatus(ServiceStatusHandle, &ServiceStatus)){
status = GetLastError();
printf("SetServiceStatus() error: %ld\n", status);
printf("SetServiceStatus() looks OK.\n");

// This is where the service does its work...

while(ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING){



// Handler function - receives Opcode, calls SetServiceStatus()
void WINAPI ServiceCtrlHandler(DWORD Opcode){

DWORD status;



// Do whatever it takes to pause here...
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_PAUSED;


// Do whatever it takes to continue here...
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING;


// Do whatever it takes to stop here...
ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0;
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED;
ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0;
ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;

if (!SetServiceStatus(ServiceStatusHandle, &ServiceStatus)){

status = GetLastError();
printf("[MY_SERVICE] SetServiceStatus() error: %ld\n", status);

printf("Leaving MyService.\n");


// Fall through to send current status.

// else
printf("Unrecognized opcode %ld.\n", Opcode);

// Send current status.
if (!SetServiceStatus(ServiceStatusHandle, &ServiceStatus)){

status = GetLastError();
printf("SetServiceStatus error %ld.\n", status);

printf("SetServiceStatus() is OK.\n");


// Some RAM info ...
void WriteMemInfo(void){

MemState.dwLength = sizeof (MemState);
// Get Memory info

// Get Time info

FILE *fp;
char Wbuffer[32]=" Free RAM is: ";

sprintf(Wbuffer+strlen(Wbuffer),"%ld MB - ",(MemState.dwAvailPhys)/(1024*1024));
sprintf(Wbuffer+strlen(Wbuffer),"%d:%d:%d \r\n",timeInfo.wHour,timeInfo.wMinute,timeInfo.wSecond);

fp=fopen("myRamInfo.txt", "ab");
fwrite(Wbuffer, sizeof(Wbuffer[0]), sizeof(Wbuffer)/sizeof(Wbuffer[0]), fp);
